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SCC's staff
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Vladimir Kudashev 37/4 Gelyabova str, kvartira 55 Simpheropol, 95000, Phone/fax 0652-51-75-97, mob.phone 050 800-18-47 E-mail: bconsult@bk.ru http://scc.00server.com (zero zero) |
EDUCATION May - April 2002 – Certification as the trainer for Business and Strategic Planning (BIZPRO project, Ukraine). March 2001 – Certification by International Finance Corporation on qualification “Financial Management”. Feb 2000 – June 2000 Contemporary Issues Program 1999, USA. Host Institution - Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) at the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM). Place of the Internship - Ideation International Inc in the Detroit. The large Investment Shows in the Boston and New York were attended. 1997 - Courses of macro-economy studies Simferopol state university, Ukraine 1988-1989 - Courses of English for master degree in Simferopol state university 1979- 1984 Leningrad University, Leningrad, USSR.2. SKILLS The experienced economist and an analyst- financier. Communicative person Knowledge Excel and other appendices MSOffise sufficient for a competition to firms soft-developers in the field of accounting, finance, movement of securities account, etc. Knowledge of the other useful software (statistics - SPSS, financial, budgeting, 1 C, B2 etc.). Very high educability. I have developed more than 200 business-plans, investment projects, including re-structuring, sanitation and bankruptcy, economic forecasting, tens marketing researches and the markets researches. 3. EXPIRIENCE Since May 2005 – up to present Position: Deputy director of Investment Department of Commercial Bank «Ukrainian Financial Group » («UFG», www.ufg.com.ua). As a fact - Deputy Financial Director of corporation UFG (CB «UFG» is a part of Corporation “UFG”). Works:
· Development of methodology and forms for carrying out of the analysis of financial activity of the enterprises - participants of corporation UFG. · Development of the software for an estimation of efficiency of financial activity of commercial bank (with a binding to the banking software B2). · Introduction of system of the administrative account (including budgeting) at all enterprises connected with corporation UFG and Cash Flow in common base with the purpose of the subsequent analysis. · Development and introduction of the special software for the account of separate kinds of activity (movement of securities, sales of the real estate) and the economic analysis of economic operations (with financial result and other economic parameters computation). · System engineering electronic audit (import of data from accounting software 1Ñ or bank software B2, with the purpose of audit, analysis, budgeting and the analysis of parameters of profitability of the enterprises and their business projects). · The Analysis of new investment projects, and preparation of recommendations for their practical realization. · Financial monitoring and electronic audit of the Commercial Bank «Ukrainian Financial Group» current projects. · Revealing problems in the current projects (Cash Flow) and their arrangement; · Market researches to forecast business development or the Corporations UFG enterprises (insurance, remittances, construction, sales of the real estate) and new investment projects. · Negotiating with clients on sale of services Corporations UFG, construction of financial models with the purpose of revealing of their economic efficiency and expediency to participate in these projects.
April 1999 - May 2005Position: Simferopol Consulting Center, Owner, Director and Accountant. Works: Business plan and investment projects development, budgeting, marketing research, training providing, recruiting, conference service, software development. Example of the project in one of the Crimean regions is presented at the http://sudak.00server.com .
Feb 2000 – June 2000 – research in the USA in the field of Economics (Program IREX)
March 1996 – April 1999Position: First deputy head, acting head of the Crimean Representation of the National Agency of Ukraine on issues Development and European Integration. 13, Kirova Str., Simferopol, Ukraine. Agency was founded in order to create favorable conditions for further development of international economic co-operation, interaction with international financial organizations, corresponding intergovernmental and regional organizations, co-ordination of activities of central and local executive bodies in the field of encouraging and utilization of external financial resources. Works: Working out of business-plans, of the investment projects, of the technical assistance projects and their promotion. Development of the software for account of the economic effectiveness of the projects (Excel), development of the web-pages (www.invest.crimea.ua). Working out of the legislative acts and investment programs for Crimea, co-operation with a foreign experts and firms. Expertise of the current technical assistance projects in Crimea. October 1995 - March 1996 Position: Technical director of the Project Management Centre, 41 Sevastopolskaya Str., Simferopol, Ukraine Works: Working out of a business-plans and investment projects, market researches, software-making. October 1994 - October 1995 Position: Head of a Department on a Foreign Economic Policy and investments of a Crimean Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations. 13, Kirova Str., Simferopol, Ukraine. Works: Registration of the foreign investments, assist to the enterprises on the issues of a foreign economic activity. Coordination of the activity on issues of investments and credits attraction. June 1992 - March 1994 Position: Director of the "Center of an informational technologies". 49, Bespalova Str., Simferopol, Ukraine. Works: Specialization in the field of Economics of Ukraine and foreign economic relations. Creation of the informational date base on the issues of economic and politic. Publication of the weekly economic report. Working out of business plans. November 1991- June 1992 Position: Representative of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations in the Crimean Republic. 13, Kirova Str., Simferopol, Ukraine Works: Registration of the enterprises which engaged in the foreign economic activity. Working out of the reports, prognoses and proposals in this field. May 1975 - November 1991 Scientific work on the North and on the Far East of the USSR (hydrologist, meteorologist, geography teacher, geophysicist (electric prospecting), land surveyor, photographer and operator on aircraft). At that time, I had worked as a technician, chief of weather station, chief of a group of geophysics’ engineers, the scientist in the All-Union Research Institute “VNIPIShelf” (oil and gas exploration), and so on. 4. ACHIEVEMENTS Own software for book keeping and budgeting at the medium-size and small enterprises. Certificate of the trainer on strategic planning (BIZPRO project, Ukraine) 2002; Certificate on qualification of Financial Management (Training Program of the International Finance Corporation) 2001; Certificate of the IREX (economics) 2000; The copyright certificate on invention SU 1631124 A1 (E 02 B 15/04) – 1990; Diploma of physical-geographer 1984; Diploma of hydro-meteorologist 1975. Etc (9 Certificates).
5. MARITAL STATUS Married. Doughtier Olga 16 years. Wife Elena Oleshko - an artist designer (paints and computer). 6. OTHER I took out a drivers license N ABC 185649 at November 1989. 7.REFERENCES References on demand. Vladimir Shishkin – Head of the Crimean Stock Exchange, Ex-minister of
Economy (1995-1996) of the Anatoly Liulin – Head of the investment department of the Commercial Bank UFG |
Copyright@2001 Vladimir Kudashev 25.02.2008 |